Getting started with Award Force 

Buy how you want

Whether you prefer to buy online or speak to someone on our team first, we’ve got you covered. You can also choose to pay with a credit card or we can invoice you. Whatever works for you and your team.

Buy awards management software
Get awards management credentials

Get started: receive your credentials

As soon as you sign up with Award Force, we’ll provision your account and send your access credentials. There is no waiting. You can get started with your account configuration on day one.

Get started: resources at your disposal

Whether you prefer to read, watch or be guided, Award Force has a wide range of resources available to help you get going, fast. You’ll have access to an extensive library of how-to articles, helpful videos and guided tours to help you learn more as you go. And, we have a handy configuration checklist to help you set up your awards in no time at all.

Check out our Help Centre to learn more.

Access awards management resources
Import awards data

Get started: import your pre-existing data

With Award Force you can easily import your past awards data, creating a historical archive you can leverage. You can import past entrants, entries, media and even judging results for a smooth transition.

It’s DIY, but we do have a service to help if you need it.

Read more about data importing.

Get started: onboarding service

Our onboarding package is, without a doubt, the best way to maximise ROI from investing in Award Force. You’ll receive a tailored onboarding experience to match your program needs, ensuring a fast start and well-rounded knowledge of the power available in the software.

Learn more about our onboarding service.

awards management onboarding
Awards management pre-launch check

Pre-launch checks

Once you have completed your program setup, just ask us for a complimentary pre-launch check. We’ll go through your program configuration with a fine-tooth comb, making sure there are no problems or gaps. 

Ongoing support

With Award Force you will always have weekday access to a team of award software experts, 24 hours a day and in your time zone.
You won’t have to wait long either, we’re committed to responding within 4 hours, but we’re regularly much faster than that. 

Ongoing awards management software support